Teen drivers have the highest crash risk of any age group. Per mile traveled, they have the highest involvement rates in motor vehicle collisions of all types. The problem is worst among 16 year-olds, who have the most limited driving experience and an immaturity that often results in risk-taking behind the wheel.
Driver error: Compared with older drivers’ fatal crashes, those of 16 year-olds more often involve driver error.
Speeding: Sixteen-year-old drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes in which excessive speed is a factor.
Single-vehicle crashes: More of 16 year-olds’ fatal crashes involve only the teen’s vehicle. Typically these are high-speed collisions in which the driver lost control.
Passengers: Sixteen year-olds’ fatal crashes are more likely to occur when other teenagers are in the same vehicle. The risk increases with every additional passenger.
Alcohol: Although this is a problem among drivers of all ages, it’s actually less of a problem for 16 year-olds. Typically, fewer than 15 percent of fatally injured 16-year-old drivers have blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08 percent or more, but alcohol quickly becomes an issue in later teen years.
Night driving: This is a high-risk activity for beginners. Per mile driven, the nighttime fatal collision rate for 16 yearolds is about twice as high as during the day.
Low belt use: Teenagers generally are less likely than adults to use safety belts.

NDT has helped support every home school group, private school, public school and legislator who has contacted National Driver Training Institute for help in creating parent taught graduated driver licensing laws and legislation for their state.
We are happy to report we have prevailed together on every legislation bill we have supported.
No other graduated driver license provider has supported legislation financially or otherwise. National Driver Training Institute has been on the floor each and every time when called upon to witness on behalf of parents and legislators. So when considering a graduated driver licensing program…
Consider who has helped changed the laws in your state. Also, consider which company has returned thousands of dollars in research and development in protecting our teen drivers.
National driver Training Institute’s program “ Help for the Teenager Who Wants to Drive” is still the only approved Graduated Driver Licensing Program in the United States.
How did The National Driver Training Institute’s program “ Help for the Teenager Who Wants to Drive” get started?
Our program ideas started in the United States Air Force. What seems to be a growing concern and serious problem with airmen in the United States Air Force is their lack of ability to drive to and from the base with out getting into a crash. Many of the airmen completed driver education in high school, however the education and training systems being used in the public school systems and commercial driving schools was not working.
In fact, the airmen that did not have driver education and training through public schools and commercial schools were involved in less crashes than the airmen that did complete such a course.
National Driver Training Institute’s Employee’s and researchers of the National Driver program “ Help for the Teenager Who Wants to Drive” studied the causes of the crashes and the training processes used across the country to teach our young new drivers.
After several years of study and research it was concluded that the problem with our young drivers did not exists within the young driver, but within the training process itself. So while we believe in our education process in the United States it hasn’t proven to be effective in teaching our teens to be collision and crash free.
The teaching process with in itself needed a major overhaul and not even one of our universities in the United States teaching Driver Education and Training had offered any new teaching methods or processes.
Several professors, Dr. Charles McDaniel, Dr. George Carmenanti and developers of the driver education establishments tried to correct the problem by offering new systems in the late 60’s and 70’s, however these new concepts were rejected because of funding issues and the need for new tooling and curriculum development.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety continued to improve ways to make our vehicles and safety equipment safer with better seat belts and safety seats, bumpers that would hold up better, collapsible steering wheels and safety glass, air bags that continue to out perform the year before and still the fatalities continue to rise in numbers, each year higher than the year before.
Two major changes took place in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Finally we are seeing a change in the numbers of crashes and fatal collisions. The first thing that occurred was the concept of Graduated Licensing. This training process was modeled after flight school in the United States Air Force.
Graduated Driver Licensing:
- We begin with joining the classroom with the behind-the-wheel training process concurrent with one another.
- We add more hours behind-the-wheel to give the new drivers a chance to experience all four seasons and weather conditions under controlled risk factors.
- We remove the 6 hour driver training clock and base achievement and graduation on performance, skill and experience.
We were trying to teach our new teenagers as if we were traveling on a two-lane dirt road at 35 MPH, when our average traveled speed in the United States exceeds 55 MPH on a six-lane highway. The average family had one vehicle in the fifties and sixties, .and then to two vehicles in the seventies. The day of driving on weekends with mom and dad for the first year or two is over. In today’s hectic schedules, we are not spending the time to protect our teens and teach them to drive as we should be. Parents need to realize that as the times change we must keep pace with that change.
Our driving generation, 35 to 50 years old, will be remembered as the worse driving generation in the history of the automobile. We average 40,000 fatalities per year. Our generation needs to change the way we think and teach driver education.
Think about it- We spend about 12 years on basic education, reading writing, math, history and physical education
…and only 6 hours behind the wheel training in a vehicle.
Our Generation needs to be remembered as the generation that created the best drivers in history. The generation that did something about the way we think and teach driver training. We need help from every mom and dad to complete this goal. We need to invest our time in our teenagers and take the time needed to teach our teens to drive better.
This could mean as much as 1 or two years of guidance. And to do this you will need the very best curriculum and training videos available. You will need to allow driver education to become part of your families dinner conversation and sharing experiences on new intersections, changes on the interstate on ramps or maybe a lost of a fellow student friend.
Driver Education and Training is no longer a project to hire out to the local driving school. Parents need to get involved and stay involved for at least two or three years. Placing driving restrictions and hours on when a new driver is allowed to drive and with whom.
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